Don’ts Before Pre-Wedding Photo Shoot

  1. Do not scrub your face three days before the photo shoot. Your skin will be slightly red. Do not scratch or irritate any impurities in the days before the shoot.

  2. Do not try out a new hairstyle that you are unsure of before the shoot. Go safe always. You might be asked to dye your hair if you have black hair so that you can see the hair patterns in the photos.
  3. Do not use hair conditioner or hair mask a week before the photo shoot to keep your hair do from falling off. Unless you opt for no hair do photo shoot.

  4. Don’t drink/party the night before.
  5. Don’t skip your breakfast/lunch. If you are having an afternoon/evening session, eat a light lunch. Bring food for yourself, water (with straw for the bride) and some sweets. It takes a lot of energy to do a photo shoot and you certainly don’t want to run out of steam before the session is over.

  6. Do not shave for a week. Leave your body hair to grow about 1cm and shave early in the morning before the photo shoot. So you will have a clean shave without black spot on the skin.
  7. Do not wear black or dark color underwear. Choose white or beige color.

  8. Bride is advice not to wear any watch and glasses. Again, its up to personal preference.

  9. Do not be late to bridal studio.

Do Before Pre-Wedding Photo Shoot

  1. If the bride’s dress is off-the shoulder style, she should wear a strapless brassiere.

  2. The bridegroom wears a suit jacket, black socks and black shoes.

  3. If the bridegroom wears spectacles, he should remove them during the session.

  4. Please do not invite friends to watch, or to bring cameras or video recorders to session, these will affect the atmosphere and disturb the working crew.
  5. Rental charges for outdoor photographer to be paid by the customer.

  6. Have your eyebrows plucked. They won’t do it for you.
  7. Get enough sleep. It’s best to get up later then normal. Basically the shoots don’t start that early so spend your time sleeping instead of other things. Pack/Prepare your things to bring for photo shoot ahead.

  8. Bring face towels if you think you will sweat a lot during the photo shoot.

  9. Bring your own accessories (Necklaces, bracelets, earrings , crown, tiara , hats )if you have any. Else they will use what they have in shop.

  10. Lastly, be prepared to smile-non stop!